
MiniDigi.Co Digital Marketing Ecuador
The face behind MiniDigi.Co!

Hi, I’m Sandra. I’m a digital marketing specialist and have been working in the digital marketing sector as a freelancer and consultant for over 15 years.

I created MiniDigi.Co to offer a wider array of high-quality digital marketing services to businesses and nonprofits around the world.

I enjoy speaking directly with my clients and turning the camera on during a conference call. I prioritize clear, honest and prompt communication and always try to ensure all partied involved are on the same page when it comes to expectations and next steps.

You’ll notice that throughout the website I speak in the third person (“we…” vs “I”). This is because, depending on client preferences and project deliverables, MiniDigi.Co works with carefully vetted remote freelancers.

My professional background

After graduating with a B.A. in Anthropology, I went on to complete my M.Sc. in International Development, specializing in qualitative research methods in the domain of migration and development.

After graduating, I spent a year in Honduras teaching nature photography and graphic design to children through an after-school program called Guaruma.org.

I then traveled to Ecuador where I research refugee urban livelihoods through the Feinstein Institute at Tufts University. Eventually, this led me to my first communications position with a refugee rights non-profit called Asylum Access where I worked for six years are Creative Lead.

Digital marketing and communications experience

As a digital marketing specialist, I offer a wide array of digital marketing and communications skills and experience. This is typical of a nonprofit communications background where you’re expected to wear various hats. 

Among my skills are:

  • Copywriting and editing
  • Visual content creation (infographics, videos, photographs, graphic design)
  • Strategic communication planning across channels including broadcast and print media, social media, email marketing
  • Streamlining communications systems, media management and website maintenance
  • Brand development and messaging
  • Reputation marketing through social media
  • Optimizing digital presence based on current trends and best practices (SEO, audits, re-purposing content, analytics)
  • Storytelling and multimedia content to illustrate impact

Personal life

I work remotely and travel between Europe (the Netherlands, in large part) and Ecuador.

In Ecuador I study pottery and guitar construction, while also managing an ayahuasca retreat center, Alma Healing Center.

I’m Dutch / Peruvian by nationality and am somewhat of a global nomad, having lived in Italy, the Netherlands, Peru, the US, Costa Rica, Honduras, Lebanon and Ecuador.

Download my CV.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram.